abbr of Organization of African Unity
abbr of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Oligarchy :
1. a form of government in which a small group of people hold all the power
2. a political system that is controlled by a small group of individuals, who govern in their own interests
Oligopoly :
control of goods or services in a given market by a small number of companies.
Ombudsman :
A public official who is appointed to investigate complaints by individuals about the activities of government agencies.
Omnibus Bill :
From the Latin meaning "for all," an omnibus legislative bill contains many miscellaneous provisions
Open Society :
A society, such as the U.S. and most European countries, in which individuals have freedom of movement and there are no restrictions on travel to and from other countries; public buildings and officials are relatively accessible, secrecy is at a minimum and there is a free flow of information
Opportunism :
The practice of adapting one's actions to gain (in politics) any short-term personal advantage that may be available, but without regard for principle or long-term consequences.
Opposition :
The party or parties in a legislative body that are against the party or parties that control the legislature
Oppression :
Severity, especially when practiced by a government that puts too heavy burden upon its citizens, in terms of taxes or unjust laws.
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