A heated debate has been seen in Indonesia for the last 2 months. A newly-proposed act is under a spot-light. What is it about? Why does it attract so many opinions and comments?
The act or rule is called HIP or Haluan Ideology Pancasila (the Guide for Pancasila Ideology). The advocates of this rule argue that without such legislation the country is under lurking threats of anti-Pancasila's group who want to change the constitutional ideology of the nation i.e. Pancasila. In doing so, many activists of human rights and democracy and academicians project and highly aware that the legislation may possibly be used abusively for political interests like it used to be during the new order era (Orde Baru) which was led by Soeharto reigned from 1966 to 1998.
Is Pancasila barely an ideology? I've never heard that previously, said some non-Indonesians.
Stanford University online encyclopedia describes ideology as "ideas whose purpose is not epistemic, but political. Thus an ideology exists to confirm a certain political viewpoint, serve the interests of certain people, or to perform a functional role in relation to social, economic, political and legal institutions."
This definition is political. It is fruitfully useful to illustrate the politician's actions. Either in a positive or negative sense, ideology is, maybe, the main driver of politics. In addition, ideology in this circumstance lies in a pathway of governmental buildings. I think, ideology, from a narrower perspective, must be projected as much in the definition or at least in the polarized discourse among Indonesians.
When ideology becomes a popular consumption as does happen to a bunch of fast foods or a few music genres, that is when ideology reveals its truest objective and familiar characters. Indeed, Pancasila was and is said by the founding fathers as locally and nationally constructed and natively and originally extracted from the very nature of people in Indonesia archipelago. All Indonesian must be feeling strongly connected to Pancasila. At all Indonesian's ups and downs, Pancasila should be the deep elementary foundation as well as fiery fuel of perseverance and persistence.